Export from Norway

To trade goods from foreign suppliers is everyday for many, and for small businesses and startup companies, can transport of goods seem complicated. Buying and selling should at entering contract make a deal on which shipping requirements, Incoterms, that are applicable for the trade. This regulates which of the party is paying for the shipment costs, has responsibility and risk for the shipment or parts of it. 

flyfrakt - Overseas Logistics

Choice of transportmode is subject different factors such as freight cost, lead times and cargo volumes. With our vast network of reliable partners and agent, we are able to assist you Globally.

Our transport modes from Norway

Decisive criterias for choice of transport modes may be

- Cargo weight and dimensions
Lead times
- Freight cost
- Goodstype and value

sjøfrakt - Overseas Logistics

Oceanfreight from Norway

The economical transport solution

flyfrakt - Overseas Logistics

Airfreight from Norway

When in hurry

togfrakt - Overseas Logistics

Railfreight from Norway

The enviromental alternative